Meteorological Conditions
For a general weather forecast, check the weather for SCICON here!
For more detailed climatic information, check out the nearby “Milo” RAWS meteorological station here, which is less than 1 mile from the Circle J Norris Ranch.
Meteorological Monitoring
Weather Station Installation at the Circle J Norris Ranch
To collect valuable real-time data on meteorological observations on the Circle J Norris Ranch, three weather stations were installed through a collaborative effort between UC Merced staff and Tulare County Office of Education (TCOE) staff including: Dr. Norman Pelak (UC Merced Sierra Nevada Research Institute postdoctoral scholar and field manager), Joy Baccei (UC Merced Natural Reserve System, SCICON Field Station point of contact), Amanda Driver (Circle J Norris Ranch lead teacher) and SCICON campus interns. Weather stations were instrumented with the following sensors; soil moisture, soil matric potential, soil and air temperature, and solar radiation. One weather station also includes instrumentation that measures wind speed and direction, relative humidity, and precipitation.
After successfully installing the weather stations, a rainbow appeared!